
During Rattlestick’s 2024-2025 Season, under the historic leadership of new Artistic Director Will Davis, we are investing in new work development and community events like never before, as we prepare for the renovation of our beloved theater. Your donation will allow us to support and advance the bold work of artists whose voices are underrepresented in the American theater and whose brave work might not otherwise find a home, while encouraging new ways to gather and experience theater together. It is because of YOU that we can commit to these exciting artists who are shaking up the theatrical landscape. Thank you for being a crucial part of our community.

You can also donate via PayPal by clicking here or mailing a check to Rattlestick Theater at 224 Waverly Pl, New York, NY 10014. For more information on how to support Rattlestick, please contact Maegan at

Rattlestick Productions, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions made to Rattlestick are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.